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Terms and conditions
Service Agreement This agreement specifies the conditions under which the services are provided by "geeexchange.com" Service as soon as the user logs in on the Website. Before using the Service, the User must read and accept all the conditions of this agreement. Otherwise, the User cannot use the services of the Service.

The User agrees that the Terms of Service may be periodically updated by the Service Management unilaterally without further notice to the User.

The parties to this agreement are "geeexchange.com", hereinafter referred to as the "Service" and any individual using the services of the Service, hereinafter referred to as the "User".

1. Terms and definitions
1.1 “geeexchange.com” - is a trademark that is the name for electronic currency exchange and offers its services using a special software interface for all Users.
1.2 User is any natural person using the benefits of the «geeexchange.com» service.
1.3 Electronic currency is a monetary obligation between the developer of a given currency and it's user, expressed digitally.
1.4 The payment system is a software and hardware product developed by a third party and represents a mechanism for the implementation of the accounting of monetary obligations, as well as the organization of mutual settlements between its users.
1.5 Cryptocurrency is a type of digital currency, the accounting of internal units of account of which is provided by a decentralized payment system (there is no internal or external administrator or any analog of it), working in a fully automatic mode.
1.6 Service benefits (services) - operations for the exchange, deposit, and withdrawal of electronic currencies/cryptocurrencies.
1.7 Payment - transfer of electronic/cryptocurrency from the payer to the recipient.

2. Introduction
2.1 This agreement regulates the relationship between the User and the Service regarding the services provided by the Service to the User and cancels all preceded agreements between the Service and the User on this subject.
2.2 The Service guarantees and ensures the confidentiality of information about the User and his operations. The Service can provide this information only at the request of authorized state bodies, officials, or representatives of Payment systems if there are legal grounds for this.

3. Subject of the agreement
3.1 The Subject of this agreement are the services for depositing and withdrawing electronic currencies, as well as other services described in the showcase of the Service.
3.2 The Service offers it's services to all Users and does not check the legality of the User’s ownership of electronic currencies and/or financial funds, and does not oversee the operations of the User in any of the Payment systems.
3.3 Payment systems and/or financial institutions are solely responsible for the funds entrusted them by the User. The Service may not be a party to the agreement between the Payment System and/or financial institution and the User and shall not be liable in any way for the incorrect or unauthorized use of the capabilities of the Payment System by the User, as well as for the abuse of the functionality of the Payment System by the User. Mutual rights and obligations of the User and the Payment system and/or financial institution are regulated by relevant agreements.
3.4 Any completed operation to deposit and withdraw electronic currency/cryptocurrency, as well as any other operation offered by the Service to the User, cannot be canceled by the User after it's completion - receipt by the User of what is due to him under the previously accepted terms of the transaction.
3.5 The Service has the right to suspend or cancel the operation if the Service receives information from the authorized bodies on the unauthorized possession of electronic currencies by the User or financial means and/or other information that makes it impossible to provide the Service to the User.
3.6 The Service has the right to provide user data and all information about the operations performed, if the service receives an official request about the unauthorized possession of electronic currencies by the User or financial means and/or other information from the authorized bodies.
3.7 The Service has the right to suspend or cancel an ongoing operation if the User violates the terms of this agreement or suspected misconduct or illegal actions.
3.8 The Service has the right to cancel the ongoing operation and return the electronic currencies and/or financial funds contributed by the User without explanation.
3.9 The Service has the right to recount the application for the amount received or make a refund (excluding transfer fee) on the wallet or E-mail specified in the order if the payment amount does not coincide with the specified amount in the order.
3.10 The Service may suspend or terminate User's account or use the services, or process transaction with crypto assets, at any time to prevent attempts at illegal trading, financial fraud, and money laundering, see clause 5.6 using the services of the Service.

4. Service Benefits (Services)
4.1 The Service offers it's services of exchanging one type of electronic currency/crypto asset for another without a lunch break, 24 hours a day, and seven days a week.
4.2 “Crypto-assets” in this document should be considered as a type of asset that can only and exclusively be transferred through blockchain technology, including, but not limited to, digital coins and digital tokens and any other types of digital media such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, and etc., until complete and absolute exemption from securities of any kind.
4.3 The User is provided with several exchange options with a fixed and non-fixed rate.
    4.3.1 The User is offered several options for a fixed rate of 0.5%, 1%, 2%, 5%. This option means in which range the Service will not have the right to recalculate the order if the rate drops within the percentage selected by the User. The more the percentage selected for fixed insurance against drop, the more the exchange rate will be different from the standard.
    4.3.2 The user is offered a non-fixed “Main” rate. This option means an exchange rate mode where our platform does not guarantee the exchange rate, so it fluctuates according to the market. You acknowledge and agree that the exchange rate information provided by the Service for the non-fixed rate option (Floating Exchange Rate) is indicative only and may differ from the rate stated in the order. You can see more detailed information about the floating rate in the order creation form and in the created order.

4.4 Technical problems that arise due to User's incorrect Service use, such as creating incorrect transactions (as entering the wrong address both when specifying the recipient address and as sending User's crypto assets to Server), the User sends a sum of crypto assets different from the sum, which was displayed on the Website, or User did not take into account the relevant withdrawal costs and network fees, thus sending an amount that is too small, as well as other types of user errors, can be solved through technical support service when possible.

5. User Responsibilities
5.1 User use the Service at his sole option, discretion, and risk.
5.2 User is at least 16 years old or of other legal age, according to User's relevant jurisdiction.
5.3 User agree to pay fees for Exchanges made through the Service, as determined by the Service and Service Administration may change fee amount from time to time.
5.4 User guarantee that his crypto assets belong to him and they are not sold, encumbered, not in contention, or under seizure, and that neither exist any rights of third parties to your crypto assets.
5.5 User shall provide correct information for creating Exchange (e.g. payin and payout wallet address). Such wallet addresses shall not be associated with terrorism, fraudulent, scam, or any type of illegal activity.
5.6 User further claim, agree and warrant, that he will not violate any law, contract, third-party right or commit a tort by accessing or using the Services, and that User is solely responsible for his actions and/or inactions while using the Service. Without prejudice to the foregoing, User claim, agree and warrant, that USER WILL NOT:
    5.6.1 Use the Service or will immediately cease using those if any applicable law in User's country prohibits or will prohibit User at any time from doing so;
    5.6.2 Use the Service to participate in fraudulent, scam or any type of illegal activity;
    5.6.3 Exchange via the Service or attempt to pay-in crypto assets, which are obtained from illegal gambling activities; fraud; money-laundering; or terrorist activities; or any other illegal activities. With the Service the User can only use crypto assets, which are obtained from legal sources;
    5.6.4 Provide false, inaccurate or misleading information;
    5.6.5 Attempt to modify, decompile, reverse-engineer or disassemble service software in any way;
    5.6.6 Use any robot, spider, crawler, scraper or other automated means or interface not provided by th Service to access the Service or to extract data.
    6. Taxation
    6.1 The Service is not a tax agent for the User and will not notify the User of his tax costs. The User undertakes to independently pay all taxes required by the tax laws of his place of residence.

    7. Warranties and liability of the parties
    7.1 The Service provides it's services on an “as is” basis as described on the pages of the Service website and does not offer any additional warranties.
    7.2 The Service guarantees the fulfillment of obligations to the User only within the limits of this agreement and the amounts entrusted to the Service by the User for the operation.
    7.3 The Service will make every effort but does not guarantee that it's services will be available around the clock and daily. The Service does not bear any responsibility for losses, lost profits and other costs of the User that arose as a result of the inability to gain access to the site and the services of the Service, as well as in the case of the manifestation of technical problems on the Service.
    7.4 The Service does not bear any responsibility for losses, not received profit and other costs incurred by the User resulting from delays, errors, or malfunctions in electronic/cryptocurrency transfers.
    7.5 The Service does not bear any responsibility for losses, not received profit, and other costs incurred by the User resulting from the erroneous expectations of the User regarding the tariff rates of the Service, profitability of transactions, and other subjective factors.
    7.6 The User guarantees that he is the owner or has the authority for the disposal of the amounts which are used in his transaction.
    7.7 The User acknowledges that the contents of the Service website are protected by the laws on the protection of property rights, intellectual property, and copyrights. Unauthorized use of this content is illegal.
    7.8 The Service Administration ask the User to carefully check the details that you specify for receiving in the "Wallet address" field, please! If the User entered the wrong wallet to receive in the "To the account" field and when the Service transferred the funds on the specified details, the Service does not bear any responsibility and will not be able to return the money.
    7.9 The User guarantee that his crypto assets belong to him and they are not sold, encumbered, not in contention, or under seizure, and that neither exist any rights of third parties to the User's crypto assets.
    7.10 The User must provide the correct вфеф to create the Exchange. Wallet addresses should not be related to terrorism, fraud, scam, or any other type of illegal activity.

    8. The Service has the right to suspend/block the exchange/withdrawal of funds earned on referrals or the provision of bonuses for their exchanges in connection with the fraud. The minimum amount of exchange and minimum reward is intended only to familiarize User with the Service and abuse of these bonuses will occur by blocking accounts and suspension of the exchange.

    9. Force Majeure
    9.1 Neither the User nor the Service will be liable to each other for delays or defaults resulting from force majeure circumstances, including natural disasters, fire, floods, terrorist acts, changes of power, civil unrest, as well as non-functioning of Payment systems, systems power supply, communication networks, and Internet service providers.

    10. The Service does not prohibit exchanges to third party accounts, but it does not highly recommend conducting such operations. The Service is not responsible for the actions of these persons after receiving funds from Service's exchange service. Operate only with wallets and accounts that User have full access.

    11. Terms of materials usage from the geeexchange.com site.
    11.1 All resources of this site, including textual and graphic content, structure and pages design are protected by Russian and international copyright laws and treaties and intellectual property (see Articles 1259 and 1260 of Chapter 70 "Copyright" of the Russian Federation Civil Code of December 18, 2006 N 230-FZ (adopted instead of the "Law on Copyright and Related rights" dated 19.07.95 N 110-FZ).
    11.2 Any images/video recordings of the Service interface operations cannot be used for the purposes of public distribution with open access. Such images may only be used for personal messages to the Service's Customer support or Service's buiseness partners for clarification of the circumstances of disputes and claims. Failure to comply with these conditions will be construed as the assignment of copyright rights to textual, visual and other copied information.

    12. In case of violation of these rules, the administration and authors of the site reserve the right to the following measures:
    12.1 A written complaint to the owner of the hosting (server) on which the offending site is located - with a request influence the violator, up to terminating the hosting contract (in accordance with the rules of all hosting providers, the sites are prohibited from publishing any material that violates the copyright of their owners);
    12.2 A written complaints to the administrations of the Yandex and Google search engines, which, in accordance with their rules (See Google's policy as example: "Digital Millennium Copyright Act") may results a "removing or disabling access to material claimed as the object of infringement";
    12.3 It should also be noted that, according to Russian laws, copyright infringement entails the responsibility provided for in Article 1301 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation: "In cases of violation of the exclusive right to the work, the author or other right holder, along with the use of other applicable methods of protection and measures of responsibility established by this Code (Articles 1250, 1252 and 1253), have the right, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 1252 of this Code, to demand, at his choice, from the violator instead of compensation damages payment of compensation at the discretion of the court".

    Attention! The Service administration does not publish the own invoices for accepting funds from customers anywhere! Exchange is conducted only through the site! Do not fall for the tricks of scammers.

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