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Last exchanges:
USD Coin USDCPOLYGON => Ethereum Classic ETC
84556.103074 USDCPOLYGON
2024-12-07 14:47:08
Basic Attention Token BAT => Bitcoin Cash Node BCH
26214.480717765825829701 BAT
2024-12-07 08:42:00
Bitcoin BTC => Monero XMR
0.15000000 BTC
2024-12-07 02:25:59
Ethereum ETH => True USD TUSDERC
27.003606025669114388 ETH
2024-12-07 02:06:27
Bitcoin BTC => Monero XMR
0.10000000 BTC
2024-12-07 01:23:19
0x ZRX => Bitcoin Cash Node BCH
29035.471785307236132212 ZRX
2024-12-06 23:30:26
Bitcoin BTC => Tether USDTTRC
8.18956345 BTC
2024-12-06 22:26:01
Ethereum ETHBEP20 => Dash DASH
39.497359206104562190 ETHBEP20
2024-12-06 16:40:17
0x ZRX => Ethereum ETHBEP20
12321.167806063000170980 ZRX
2024-12-06 11:42:40
Tether USDTPOLYGON => Ethereum ETH
84467.282600 USDTPOLYGON
2024-12-06 05:24:24
Zcash ZEC => OmiseGO OMG
193.60187075 ZEC
2024-12-06 01:18:54
Monero XMR => Chainlink LINK
31.942000000000 XMR
2024-12-05 22:49:06
USD Coin USDCERC => Bitcoin Cash Node BCH
120211.216907 USDCERC
2024-12-05 19:59:24
Chainlink LINK => Tether USDTSOL
10000.000000000000000000 LINK
2024-12-05 18:09:51
Bitcoin BTC => Tether USDTTRC
0.14656296 BTC
2024-12-05 15:50:12
Ethereum ETHBEP20 => Monero XMR
47.487564376535786437 ETHBEP20
2024-12-05 12:25:29
Tether USDTTRC => Cardano ADA
4060.723204 USDTTRC
2024-12-05 09:32:30
USD Coin USDCERC => Litecoin LTC
101015.079168 USDCERC
2024-12-05 07:33:48
Zcash ZEC => Cardano ADA
34.16027032 ZEC
2024-12-05 02:42:55
Ethereum ETH => Ethereum ETHBEP20
72.092906101796174312 ETH
2024-12-04 19:47:51
Bitcoin BTC => Tether USDTTRC
0.03644874 BTC
2024-12-04 18:58:45
Litecoin LTC => Ethereum ETH
1718.83142696 LTC
2024-12-04 16:31:41
Dash DASH => Tron TRX
78.59625904 DASH
2024-12-04 14:35:17
Bitcoin BTC => Tether USDTTRC
0.15500304 BTC
2024-12-04 11:38:31
Chainlink LINK => Tether USDTERC
1550.748143499223715480 LINK
2024-12-04 09:02:04
True USD TUSDERC => Ethereum ETHBEP20
8550.042396992899739416 TUSDERC
2024-12-04 04:02:51
510582870.236820042133331299 SHIBERC
2024-12-04 00:17:19
Basic Attention Token BAT => USD Coin USDCERC
30510.568358603999513434 BAT
2024-12-03 23:18:45
Bitcoin BTC => Tether USDTTRC
0.03970281 BTC
2024-12-03 19:38:18
0x ZRX => BitTorrent Token BTT
31632.483223762999841711 ZRX
2024-12-03 18:39:23
Litecoin LTC => USD Coin USDCERC
1721.00000000 LTC
2024-12-03 15:11:03
Bitcoin BTC => Tether USDTTRC
1.57733095 BTC
2024-12-03 11:03:34
Shiba Inu SHIBERC => Tron TRX
201892703.353520005941390991 SHIBERC
2024-12-03 10:54:03
Monero XMR => Tether USDTTRC
70.929000000000 XMR
2024-12-03 07:46:07
Ethereum ETHBEP20 => True USD TUSDERC
30.825389634529603455 ETHBEP20
2024-12-03 06:04:17
Monero XMR => Bitcoin Cash Node BCH
9.815566266240 XMR
2024-12-03 00:28:25
Monero XMR => Tether USDTPOLYGON
55.744200000000 XMR
2024-12-02 21:21:12
Ethereum ETH => Tether USDTTRC
2.000000000000000000 ETH
2024-12-02 21:11:37
19098.060000 USDCPOLYGON
2024-12-02 17:42:04
Bitcoin BTC => Tether USDTTRC
0.03344571 BTC
2024-12-02 17:41:27
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MON.-FRI.: 10am-10pm
SAT.–SUN.: free time.